- Through Foster Care you can provide temporary care for kittens, puppies, cats and dogs in your own home. Offering your time, energy, and home to an animal in need, you prepare the animal for adoption into a permanent, loving home. The more animals we rehome, the more animals we can save, and Foster Care has proven to be very effective in the facilitation of rehoming.
- We get many requests for admitting of old animals as the owners are either migrating, entering nursing homes or elders homes or unable to take care of animals due to ill health. In such instances, admission to a already crowded shelter, with atleast 20-25 animals in one area, whilst trying to be territorial and fighting to gain attention, could hardly be said an ideal place, for a dog/ cat brought up in a home. This is where you could step in, and could offer a place at your home, either temporarily or permanently.
- To offer your home or for more details , pl.s e-mail [email protected]